Story Life Simulator Idle Sim.png
Story Life Simulator: Idle Sim is an intriguing life simulation game that allows you to embark on a new life journey and shape your destiny as you desire. With various simulated scenarios, you can take on roles ranging from a cute baby to a wealthy elderly person, experiencing life stages such as love, marriage, family, career, and wealth.
Story Life Simulator: Idle Sim – A life simulation game With diverse features like creating a new identity, seeking love, building a virtual family, pursuing dream careers, and engaging in various activities, you can enjoy a dream life within the game. Moreover, your decisions will impact the character’s skills and life, and you can monitor their health and happiness throughout their lifetime.
Story Life Simulator also allows you to purchase and invest in real estate, luxurious cars, and participate in entertainment activities like travel or adventures. You can become a brave police officer, a renowned politician, or a famous celebrity.
Life gameplay With addictive gameplay and making the right decisions in your simulated life, Story Life Simulator is an entertaining game that challenges and develops your life management skills. Download it now and experience a different life in this idle text-based story simulation game!
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